Healthcare News
What is causing this pain in my back?
Back pain is a common reason for absence from work and for seeking medical treatment. It can be uncomfortable and debilitating.
Early physical therapy benefits low-back pain patients
Patients with low-back pain are better off seeing a physical therapist first, according to a study of 150,000 insurance claims.
Can inversion therapy help with back pain?
Inversion therapy is where a person is suspended upside down for several minutes with the aim of relieving back pain or similar ailments. Some evidence supports the use of inversion therapy for short-term management of back pain.
What a pain: The iPad neck plagues women more
Gender and posture -- not screen time -- are biggest factors behind developing 'iPad neck' and shoulder pain, new study finds.
8 stretches for the middle back
Mid back pain or stiffness can have a significant impact on daily life. However, certain stretches can help relieve pain and improve flexibility.
The Trouble with Chairs
Life in chairs is at least a little bit hazardous to your general health, above and beyond just a lack of physical fitness. We suspect this today thanks to some good science, from sources like British Journal of Sports Medicine (more on this below).